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Our Process - How we make facial prosthetics for patients
A guide on by our facial prosthetist and anaplatologist on how we make facial prosthetics eyes, including prosthetic noses, nasal prostheses, prosthetic ears, aurical prostheses, Orbital prostheses and eyes, 

Our Anaplastologist and facial prosthetist works collaboratively with patients to ensure optimal fit, comfort and appearance of facial prosthetic appliances

The process of having a new facial prosthesis made by our anaplastologisty and facial prosthetist is a colloborative and inclusive process, involving 2 or 3 visits to our clinic to ensure we provide you with a facial prosthesis which fits well and has an appearance which looks identical to your face.

Schedule online. It's easy, fast and secure.

The process of making a new prosthetic Ear, Nose, Orbit or Eye 





Model, Comfort
and Fit
Initial Facial
Prosthetic Consultation

Initial Consultation with your Anaplastologist and Facial Prosthetist, includes an impression of the area, consult and background questions, and an  explanation of our entire process, 

We explain the fitting and  process to answer any initial questions our patients may have at this stage. We plan sizing and colouration.

We create a facial prosthetic model to perfectly shape the prosthetic for size, comfort and position. We also match the colouration and details.  We assess the fit of the new facial prosthesis of the prosthetic nose, ear, orbit or eye and note any specific details. This is assessed with the patient in our anaplastology clinic to ensure comfort and movement are maximised.

Our prosthetist then manufactures the new custom facial prosthesis in our state of the art prosthetic and anaplastology laboratory. Manufacturing usually takes approximately 1 week. We take this time to use the latest high quality medical materials and laboratory technologies. We use the latest medical grade prosthetic materials in all manufacturing.

Once your new facial prosthetic is made, we will schedule a fitting appointment and consultation with our facial prosthetist and anaplastologist, and make any adjustments needed. We will also show you how to attach and remove your prosthesis, as well as how to clean and maintain your new facial prosthesis

Our Anaplastologist & Facial Prosthetist

a picture of a facial prosthetist wearing a blue shirt. The facial prosthetist is a prosthetic eye, nose and ear maker or artificial eye maker at prosthetic eye, nose and ear consultants sydney and melbourne, also known as an anaplastologist

Jack is our facial prosthetist & Anaplastologist, working across all of our clinics. 


Jack works with all of our patients to ensure we provide an exceptional prosthetic outcome for all patients, and works closely with surgeons and referring specialists to ensure all patient needs are met. 


Jack provides all maxillofacial prosthetics in our clinics, and travels between clinics on regular schedules to assist patients requiring new facial prostheses, including prosthetic noses, prosthetic ears, orbital prosthetics and other facial requirements, as well as assisting patients with prosthetic care and use, amendments and alterations.


Jack enjoys spending time with our patients to ensure they are comfortable and fully understand the entire process. Each patient has Jack's mobile number to assist with any needs or questions they may have.


To make an appointment with Jack, book online or call us

Sydney 02 7251 0460

Melbourne 03 7037 6159

Adelaide/Perth 08 8180 0680



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